Wrangler Families: We will be taking the listening and reading portion of our ELPA Test this coming Wednesday, March 12th. Make sure your students bring their Chromebook charged and ready to test. Make sure they are here and on time. Please try to refrain from checking students out during testing. Thanks so much! - Familias de Wrangler: El próximo miércoles 12 de marzo realizaremos la parte de comprensión auditiva y lectura de nuestra prueba ELPA. Asegúrese de que sus estudiantes traigan su Chromebook cargada y lista para la prueba. Asegúrese de que estén aquí y a tiempo. Trate de no retirar a los estudiantes durante la prueba. ¡Muchas gracias!

Our monthly Parent Participation Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11th at 10:00 AM or 5:15 PM. We hope you will be able to join us for one of these sessions. #DestinationGeorge

Mark your calendars! Student Led Conferences are March 4 & 5. Information will be sent home with your student on Monday so you can schedule your appointment. See you soon!
Marke calendar ko am! Kwelok ko an rijikuul ro rej walok ilo Māe 4 im 5. Melele ko renaj jilkintok ñan mweo ippāñ rijikuul eo nejōm ilo raan in M̧ande bwe kwon maroñ in kōmmane ien kwelok eo am. Mōttan jidik inaj lo eok!
¡Marquen sus calendarios! Las conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes son el 4 y 5 de marzo. La información se enviará a casa con su estudiante el lunes para que pueda programar su cita. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Due to inclement weather, Springdale Schools will be closed on Friday Feb. 21, 2025. The snow day will be made up at the end of the school year.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, las escuelas de Springdale estarán cerradas el día viernes 21 de febrero 2025. El día de nieve se recuperará al final del año escolar.
Ken an naaj nana lan ak winter weather im nana ial ko, emoj am itok nan juon jemlok bwe, Pāpode 21 raan, 2025, enaaj juon raan in snow day. Aolep SPS jikuul ko renaaj kilok

Due to inclement weather on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025,
Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día jueves 20 de febrero 2025, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día de recuperación estudiantil.
Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados.
Kin an naaj nana lañ ilo raan ne Taije, Pāpode 20 raan, 2025, kin an lap snow, aolep Paplik Jikuuļ ko ilo Springdale in renaaj likūt rainin āinwōt juon raan in Catch-up nan ri-jikuuļ ro ilo aer naaj wōnm̧aanļo̧k Wōt im kōmm̧ani katak ko aer ilo zoom ak ilo mōko imweer. Aolep mon jikuuļ ko renaaj kilōk.

Due to inclement weather on Wednesday Feb. 19, 2025,
Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día miércoles 19 de febrero 2025, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día de recuperación estudiantil. Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados.
Kin an naaj nana lañ ilo raan ne Wōnje, Pāpode19 raan, 2025, kin an lap snow, aolep Paplik Jikuuļ ko ilo Springdale in renaaj likūt rainin āinwōt juon raan in Catch-up nan ri-jikuuļ ro ilo aer naaj wōnm̧aanļo̧k Wōt im kōmm̧ani katak ko aer ilo zoom ak ilo mōko imweer. Aolep mon jikuuļ ko renaaj kilōk.

Due to inclement weather on Tuesday February 18, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.

Wrangler Families:
We will be taking our ATLAS Interim Math test on Wednesday (Weather-permitting). We will be testing during the morning. It is important that students not miss school on this day, be on time, and not get checked out early. It is also important that students bring their Chromebooks charged and ready to test. There will be consequence for those students that fail to bring their Chromebook or do not bring their Chromebooks charged.
Familias Wrangler:
Tomaremos nuestro examen provisional de matemáticas ATLAS el miércoles 12 de febrero (si el clima lo permite). Estaremos probando durante la mañana. Es importante que los estudiantes no falten a la escuela ese día, lleguen a tiempo y no salgan temprano. También es importante que los estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks cargados y listos para realizar la prueba. Habrá consecuencias para aquellos estudiantes que no traigan su Chromebook o no traigan sus Chromebook cargados.

Please join us for our Parent Participation Meeting on February 11. This will be the make up meeting from our postponed December meeting.
Springdale High School will be in attendance to share all about Career Pathways & opportunities for students as Bulldogs at SHS!
Hope to see you there!
There are two options: 10:00 am or 5:15 pm

Wrangler Families:
Here is our School Closure Plan and what students will need to do tomorrow during our first student catch up day! Stay safe and stay warm! We hope to see everyone on Monday morning! #DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily

Greetings #SpringdaleFamily,
Due to inclement weather on Friday January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
Stay warm and stay safe!

In anticipation for potential inclement weather, the Springdale School District will use the "Early Out Wednesday" Bell Schedule on Thursday January 9, 2025.

George Junior High in the Springdale School District plans to apply for the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant for the 2025 - 2026 school year. This grant will support after school enrichment and academic learning for students. If you have any questions regarding this grant, please call the school office at 479-750-8750.

Celebration of Life for Coach Brian Handley
Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 11 am
Monticello Middle School Auditorium
180 Clyde Ross Dr.
Monticello, AR 71655

ATTENTION: Due to a Staff Emergency within our GJHS Family it is necessary to postpone our December Parent Participation Meeting originally scheduled for tomorrow. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and assure you we will give this important information from SHS it's due diligence in January. Thank you for understanding.
Wishing you a safe & happy Winter Break.
GJHS Admin

Are you moving over Winter Break? If so, please make sure you turn in your Chromebook and charger before your last day of school. You will be charged for any unreturned devices.
¿Te mudas durante las vacaciones de invierno? Si es así, asegúrese de entregar su Chromebook y su cargador antes del último día de clases. Se le cobrará por cualquier
dispositivo no devuelto.
Kwoj ke emmakit ilo Winter Break? Elañe aet, jouj im lale bwe kwon likit kambutor im charger eo am mokta jen raan in jikuul eo am eliktata. Kwonaj bōk wōnan kin jabdrewot kein jerbal ko rejjab bar jeblak.

Attn: GJHS Families 🙂
Our December Parent Participation meeting is coming Tuesday, December 17, 2024! The December meeting agenda will focus on information about Springdale High School; Credits, career pathways, course offerings, graduation and parent & family resources. There will also be an opportunity for GJHS to listen to what our parents want to know more about & use this input to plan for future meetings.
Your voice, questions, and input matter!
Please join us on Tuesday, December 17 from 10-11am or Tuesday, December 17 from 5:15-6:15 pm for a school family conversation hosted by Springdale High School about High School in general, Credits, career pathways, course offerings, graduation and parent & family resources. SHS Admin, Counselors, and teachers will be here to answer questions about their school. In addition, we want to hear from our GJHS parents about what you want us to cover in these meetings. IE: Vaping, bullying, high school credits, etc.
The meeting will be held in English, Spanish and Marshallese.
#DestinationGeorge #SpringdaleFamily

Wrangler Families:
Next Monday we are scheduled to have our Picture Retake Day. We will hold it in the Small Choir Room in the Fine Arts Hallway.
This picture retake day is meant for:
- Students who were absent on picture day (we will call them out by name)
- New Students
Any student who brings in their ORIGINAL PICTURE PACKAGE
Any student who had their face or head covered (hat/hoodie) in their original photo
The morning should go by quickly and hopefully finished before 2A.

Attn: GJHS Families 🙂
Our third Parent Participation meeting is coming Tuesday, November 12, 2024! There are two opportunities to attend: the morning meeting starts at 10am and the afternoon meeting starts at 5:15pm. Both meetings will take place in the lobby. We are very excited to have you in our building.
This months meeting will focus on Students grades, Graduation credits, and Parent access to grades.
Please consider joining us! We want to partner with you to best serve your students.

Wrangler Families:
We will be taking out ATLAS Interim tests on both Monday and Tuesday of next week. On Monday, we will take Writing and Reading. On Tuesday, we will take Math and Science. Both days we will be testing all day. It is important that students not miss school on these days, be on time, and not get checked out early. It is also important that students bring their Chromebooks charged and ready to test. There will be consequence for those students that fail to bring their Chromebook or do not bring their Chromebooks charged.
Familias Wrangler:
Realizaremos pruebas ATLAS Interim tanto el lunes como el martes de la próxima semana. El lunes tomaremos Escritura y Lectura. El martes tomaremos Matemáticas y Ciencias. Ambos días estaremos probando todo el día. Es importante que los estudiantes no falten a la escuela esos días, lleguen a tiempo y no los saquen temprano. También es importante que los estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks cargados y listos para realizar la prueba. Habrá consecuencias para aquellos estudiantes que no traigan su Chromebook o no traigan sus Chromebook cargados.