Parking & Drop Off
Morning Arrival:
Doors open at 7:30am.
The start time for elementary schools in Springdale School District is 7:45am. Students who arrive after 7:45am will need to be checked in at the front office.
Our car line is at the back of our building. Please pull all the way forward so that we can accommodate more cars and alleviate traffic issues.
When using the front entrance, please park in a parking spot and walk your child up to the front entrance.
Afternoon Dismissal:
Car riders dismiss at 3:00pm.
Be sure your student’s car tag is displayed in the front window. Please leave the car tag visible until your child has loaded.
Make every effort to have the students enter the vehicle on the passenger’s side.
Changes in after school transportation need to be called in BEFORE 2:00pm to ensure students are notified in time. No students should be checked out after 2:30pm unless it is an emergency.