Thank you Dawn De Shazo and friends for supporting sooo many families. Food Pantry re-stocked.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
HTMS food pantry
​Parents, please review these options for the upcoming school year. We will be posting a survey in the near future for you to declare which option you prefer for your child. We know this is a new experience for us all and no one has all the answers. However, if we work together, we will make it through successfully.
over 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
20-21 Options
🐝🐝💚💚💛💛🐝🐝💚💚💛💛. Welcome Mrs. Taylor to HTMS. “Hello! My name is Mrs. Taylor and I can’t wait to rejoin the HTMS team this year. I am originally from the Chicagoland area, but I attended college at John Brown University and love the NWA area. I love to teach, and I especially love to teach middle school! This year will be my fifth year teaching at the middle level. My past experience includes two years of teaching at Helen Tyson Middle School from 2017-2019, and I loved it! I spent the 2019-2020 school year in the state of Washington, spending time with my family and teaching middle school there. This year, I’m excited to be back at Helen Tyson! Outside of teaching, I enjoy exercising, cooking and spending time with family and friends. I’m looking forward to a great year! Go Hornets!" 🐝🐝🐝
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Welcome Mrs. Taylor!!
Springdale Students, Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff, At the July School Board meeting, the School board of Springdale Public approved a temporary policy to require face coverings for staff and students when social distancing is not possible. This requirement includes any time a student is on district property, district-owned transportation or school-sponsored activities. Students will be able to remove face coverings while eating meals or snack, and will be given breaks throughout the day. Students will be placed at least six feet apart during face-covering breaks. The Springdale School District is providing two washable coverings for each student. Additionally, due to the governor of Arkansas moving the start date of schools, a new revised Academic Calendar was approved. Teacher inservice will begin August 11th. We know that having warm water in every building in the school district is important! We are installing hot water heaters in 7 of our schools: Walker, Westwood, Parson Hills, Elmdale, Jones, Lee, Smith, Southwest, Central, and Springdale High School. Every building in the Springdale School System will have warm water for washing hands! Our curriculum and instruction team released more information explaining details of what Blended Model Learning will be for the upcoming school year. The Springdale School District is committed to helping each student reach his or her full potential. Personalized learning has been and will continue to be our focus. We look forward to partnering with each of you in the creation of a culture focused on caring and safety as we navigate this new educational landscape together. Dr. Jared Cleveland Superintendent of Springdale Schools
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
A Todos, Gracias por la oportunidad de hablar con usted hoy. Por favor, vea la información a continuación del Dr. Cleveland y el equipo de Administración Central. Esperamos que esto pueda ayudar a responder algunas preguntas por ahí y puede ayudarle a proporcionar información a través de sus redes. A nuestra comunidad, Las Escuelas de Springdale están listas y preparadas para el 2020-2021 año escolar con una cultura segura, innovadora y solidaria. Queremos que nuestros padres y alumnos sepan que tienen opciones y que las Escuelas de Springdale proporcionarán la más alta calidad de experiencia educativa. Opciones para la escuela: 1. Instrucción en sitio escolar – en la escuela 2. Por Remoto/Mezclado – 3 días dentro y dos días fuera o viceversa 3. Virtual a través de la escuela de innovación VIADTSOI Las escuelas de Springdale: - Tienen desinfectantes de manos en cada aula - Tienen estaciones de llenado de botellas de agua - Proporcionaran coberturas faciales para todo el personal y los estudiantes y permitirán hasta $20 de reembolso para los maestros Transporte: Los autobuses serán desinfectados varias veces al día. Servicios de Limpieza: Los conserjes desinfectaran todas las superficies varias veces al día. El equipo de Administración de las escuelas de Springdale está trabajando a través de la información que constante cambia y mantendrá las actualizaciones de publicaciones a medida que estén disponibles. Trent Jones Director de Medios Springdale Schools Support Services West Departamento de Comunicaciones
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Food Pantry restocked if you know of someone in need. Thank you Dawn DeShazo!!
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Cereal, fruit, crackers, infant formula, Canned chicken , ...
Everyone, Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. Please see information below from Dr. Cleveland and the Central Administration team. We hope that this can help answer some questions out there and can help you with providing information through your networks. To our community The Springdale Schools are ready and prepared for the 2020-2021 school year with a safe, innovative, culture of caring. We want our parents and students to know they have choices and that the Springdale Schools will provide the highest quality of educational experience. Choices for School: 1.Onsite 2.Remote/Blended 3. Virtual through VIADTSOI Springdale Schools will: -Have hand sanitizers in every classroom -Have water bottle filling stations -Provide Face coverings for all staff and students and allow up to $20 of reimbursement for teachers -Transportation: Sanitizing busses multiple times a day -Janitorial: Sanitizing all surfaces multiple times a day Springdale Schools Administration team is working through the constantly changing information and will keep post updates as they become available. Trent Jones Director of Media Springdale Schools Support Services West Communications Department Subscribe to Springdale Public Schools Youtube
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Boys' Basketball Tryouts, July 7, 4:30-6:00 p.m., at HTMS. Please read the flyer for more detailed info. Click the link below to sign up for tryouts.
over 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
DragonFly-Sign up to stay connected with Athletics.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Getting organized with Athletics. Parents can sign up now for your student athletes
HTMS 🏀 tryouts July 7 th Tuesday at Helen Tyson gym. Bring your mask and physical and water bottle.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
7th grade HTMS 🏀 Tryouts tomorrow4:30-6:00 pm. Need a physical and a mask July 7th at Helen Tyson Gym
🏈🏈🏈🏈 HTMS 7th Football 🏈🏈🏈🏈 Workouts in July will be 7th 9th 14th 16th 21st 23rd and 28th 5:30-7 p.m. at Harber High School. Players need to arrive with a mask on and must have a current physical. (Free Physicals July 7 @ HBHS gym from 8-9 am) If you have had one in the past year you are covered - we just need a copy The first full week of school we will practice at HTMS from 2:30-3:15. Thank you Coach Daspit 🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Here is the most recent update on Yearbooks: From Lifetouch- Our yearbooks are in the pre-ship status meaning they are being produced now. They will be shipped to the school. Once they arrive Mrs. Roliard will go up and divide them out to get them ready for pick up! We are getting closer but it may still be a week possible two weeks) until the book ship to school! Thank you for being patient!
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Northwest Physicians Specialty Hospital will be hosting free sports physicals at the Har-Ber gymnasium on July 7th @ 8:00 am for HTMS and Southwest JH students. With regards to COVID-19: All participants must wear masks and are expected to observe physical distancing guidelines throughout the entire time they are on campus. Participants should not come if they have been exposed to a COVID positive person within the last 15 days or if they themselves have tested positive in the last 15 days. Participants should not come if they are experiencing a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of taste, or loss of smell. Remember, if an athlete would not be allowed to attend practice per AAA COVID-19 guidelines, they will not be permitted to enter the gym for a physical.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
HTMS Food Pantry is full. Please take what you need. Share with families in need - ALL FREE 💛🐝💚
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Food Pantry @ HTMS - Free food and supplies
Tortilla Chips - Free @ HTMS Food Pantry in front of school under awning.
Helen Tyson Basketball 🏀 Tryouts July 7 Pruebas el 7 de julio! 4:30-6:00 en HTMS HTMS Boys BALONCESTO Los atletas deben traer lo siguiente: -un físico actual (no se puede probar sin uno) - un tapa bocas - una botella de agua Los padres deben solo dejar y no entrar al gimnasio. Los atletas se registrarán y permanecerán a 6 pies de distancia en todo momento. Consulte el enlace para obtener más detalles y planes sobre el Coronavirus Convid-19. Comuníquese con el entrenador Bryant si tiene alguna pregunta. Marshallese Version Kajjioñ outs Juḷae 7th! 4:30-6:00 at HTMS HTMS Boys BASKETBALL Athlete aikuj bring eo following: - juon current physical (you ban kajjioñ out without juon) - face covering - dãn bottle Parents must drop off im not deḷọñ eo gym. Athlete will check ilo im remain 6 feet apart at aolep times. Jouj lo link ñan further covid-19 details im plans.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
See you at HTMS Gym July 7
Boys Basketball 🏀 Tryouts
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
July 7th @ HTMS
Last chance to pick up locker contents at HTMS 🐝🐝🐝💛💛💚💚🐝🐝🐝 Call the school or stop by Thru June 10 (Wednesday) 8:30-3:30. (479) 750-8720. We need your name, Team, Homebase Teacher.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Anderson
Locker contents
Come pick up locker stuff by June 10. 8:30-3:30
M​eals will be offered for curbside pick-up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, May 27 - June 26. See flyer for locations and times.​
over 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Summer Meals
HTMS Virtual Talent Show 2020 Watch as HTMS Hornets showcase their talents.
over 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School