Invention Project at Don Tyson SOI
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Invention Project
Virtual Babysitting 101 Classes: Registration is now open for Arkansas Children’s summer Babysitting 101 classes. Babysitting 101 provides young adolescents with the skills to be safe, nurturing and fun babysitters. Targeting students ages 12 to 14, this class will help participants become more confident, responsible and prepared caregivers. The classes this summer will be virtual and will meet on three consecutive days for a 2-hour session. There is a fee of $25 to cover class materials. Available Class Offerings: Babysitting 101: June 8th, 9th, and 10th from 9 to 11 a.m. each day. Babysitting 101: June 15th, 16th, and 17th from 9 to 11 a.m. each day. Babysitting 101: June 22nd, 23rd, and 24th from 9 to 11 a.m. each day. More information can be found under the Babysitting 101 tab at To register for a class, contact Sarah Harlan at or 501-364-6442.
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Wildcat Boys Basketball Summer Camp
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Springdale Youth Choir Camp
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Kids Summer Hoopfest
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Wildcat Youth Wrestling Camp
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
SWJH Volleyball Team (2021-2022)....There will be a parent / student meeting on April 4, 6 PM, in the SWJH Cafeteria. Contact Coach Koons for more info,
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
HTMS is collecting #2 recyclables through April 30 to earn a bench made of recyclable plastic. Advisory with the most bottles wins a breakfast party!
over 3 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
#2  recyclables
Greetings Springdale Family, The Springdale School Board voted to modify the Face Coverings Policy on Tuesday Night. Please see the updated flyers below to share through your network and/or to print and post on doors or in hallways. #FinishStrongSPS
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Mask Spanish
Watch live at 5:00pm the Springdale Public Schools School Board meeting. click here for the agenda:
almost 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Congratulations to HTMS Music Department for earning the Support Music Merit Award as acknowledgement for your commitment to music education.
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Music Award
Abril, que es el Mes nacional de concientización sobre los conductores distraídos, es un buen momento para reagruparnos y asumir la responsabilidad de las decisiones que tomamos cuando estamos en la carretera.
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
School Safety Spanish
April, which is national Distracted Driving Awareness Month, is a good time to regroup and take responsibility for the choices we make when we’re on the road. See the flyer for School Zone Safety tips.
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
School Safety
HTMS Current 6th Grade Girls: HTMS Basketball Tryouts, April 7th!!! See flyer for more info
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
BBall Tryout
¡Buenas tardes familia Springdale! El gobernador Asa Hutchinson anunció el levantamiento del mandato estatal de cubrirse el rostro; sin embargo, el requisito de la escuela Springdale de cubrirse la cara sigue vigente en este momento. Esta tarde, el Comisionado Key brindó orientación para que los distritos desarrollen un Plan para las actividades de fin de año en el campus y la continuidad de la instrucción. Este plan incluye una revisión de la política del distrito sobre las carátulas. Actualmente estamos procesando la guía en preparación para el desarrollo del plan. La junta escolar revisará el plan de Springdale en su reunión programada regularmente el 13 de abril a las 5:00 pm. La familia Springdale ha sido resistente durante este año escolar. Terminar fuerte es una prioridad para todos y agradecemos su colaboración para que eso suceda. Jared A. Cleveland, Ed.D. Superintendent Springdale Public Schools
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Good afternoon Springdale Family! Governor Asa Hutchinson announced the lifting of the statewide mandate for face coverings; however, the Springdale School’s requirement for face coverings remains in effect at this time. This afternoon, Commissioner Key provided guidance for districts to develop a Plan for End-of-Year On-Campus Activities and Continuity of Instruction. This plan includes a review of district policy on face coverings. We are currently processing the guidance in preparation for plan development. The school board will review the Springdale plan at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 13th at 5:00 pm. The Springdale Family has been resilient through this school year. Finishing strong is a priority for everyone and we appreciate your partnership to make that happen. Jared A. Cleveland, Ed.D. Superintendent Springdale Public Schools
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Principal Shout Out - HTMS is proud of our principal, Mrs. Anderson!
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
URGENT BUS Announcement: HTMS Families- Sorry for such late notice Buses 127 and 157 WILL NOT be running this morning OR this afternoon. Please make arrangements to bring your kids to school and pick them up this afternoon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Remember that next week we are out of school for SPRING BREAK!!
almost 4 years ago, Brittney Hickman
HTMS Yearbook: Order your yearbook online at
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School
Spring Break is March 22-26. School will be closed during that time. Las Vacaciones Primaverales son del 22 al 26 de marzo. Nuestra escuela permanecerá cerrada durante este tiempo.
almost 4 years ago, Helen Tyson Middle School